Administrative Database

The Economy for the Common Good uses a central database to organize the linking-up of its members, the administration of various target groups and the generation of statistics and personalized documents. We have developed the database as well as the whole application using open source components. The philosophy of open source fits to the goals of the Economy for the Common Good as it displays an impulse for a "new economic system".
Project description
The Economy for the Common Good is an alternative economic system built on values that promote the needs of the entire population. It is a tool for economic, political, and social change – a bridge to a better future. The movement is internationally active. It campaings for the establishment of a new future through joined action basing on common welfare oriented values.
The members of the Economy for the Common Good are linked-up on different levels (support groups, national institutions and governing body) which can act independently. The single units are organized peripheral, which leads to a high complexity. A common working environment has to display this complexity.
Together with the Economy for the Common Good, we have developed a platform for the collaboration, communication and administration within the movement. At first, we defined the complex workflows. Basing on the results, we have implemented an individually adjusted database and a web interface. Both can be extended any time (e.g. further stage of extensions or additional levels are possible).
High functionality in a complex environment
The management platform of the Economy for the Common Good is multilingual and offers functionalities that are adapted to the organizational structure like e.g. the registration of basic claims data and of local groups (support groups) as well as of stakeholder groups, associations and projects. A searching function considering various criteria is equally essential like the creation of lists. Additionally, the generation of personalized documents like member certificates, outgoing invoices or reminders is integrated.
A central part of the database is the user management. Basing on differing user roles (e.g. local and national administration tasks), the fitting data stock can be seen and edited.
To ease up the communication with various target groups (members, supporter, local groups etc.), the sending of mails with a selection function for the receiver is integrated.
Many functionalities of the website have to be linked with the database. Therefore, fitting links and connections are implemented. Basic modules can additionally be adapted to new or changing requirements in further stages of extensions.
The whole source code of the database is provided to the Economy for the Common Good.
key Data of the Project
Project start: January 2013
Project duration: 14 month, continuous support, enhancements and implementations since the project start
Find out more about Economy for the Common Good at